
Two girls escape from an open borstal.



Genre: Drama
Rating: AA
Directed By: Mai Zetterling 
Written By: Susannah Buxton, Roy Minton, Jeremy Watt, Mai Zetterling 
Released: 1982
Runtime: 90 minutes


Amanda York as Carol Howden
Chrissie Cotterill as Annetta Brady
Elizabeth Edmonds as Kathleen
Kate Ingram as Eddie
Amanda Symonds as Mac
Kathy Burke as Glennis


Two girls escape from an open borstal. Annetta (Chrissie Cotterill) wants to visit her baby daughter who is being raised in a convent.

Carol (Amanda York) plans to be recaptured and sent to the closed borstal where her girlfriend Doreen is being held. Carol’s plan works, but she is devastated to find that Doreen has a new girlfriend. Doreen and the girlfriend taunt Carol.

Annetta is arrested at the convent and sent to the same closed borstal. She assumes Carol “grassed” her up and proceeds to plan her revenge. Inmate Eddie professes her love for Carol and offers protection, so Carol begins a relationship with her. Annetta’s constant bullying attempts keep her in solitary confinement.

When Eddie is released Carol loses her protection and Annetta plans another attack.

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