Fifty Dead Men Walking

Martin McGartland joins the I.R.A. and feeds information to Britain’s Special Branch Agent Fergus.



Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Rating: 15
Directed By: Kari Skogland
Written By: Kari Skogland 
Released: 2008
Runtime: 117 minutes


Ben Kingsley as Fergus
Jim Sturgess as Martin
Kevin Zegers as Sean
Natalie Press as Lara
Rose McGowan as Grace
Tom Collins as Mickey
William Houston as Ray
Michael McElhatton as Robbie


Fifty Dead Men Walking is a fast-paced action thriller set in the treacherous world that was Northern Ireland in the 1980s.

Based on a shocking true story, Jim Sturgess gives a raw, mesmerising performance as young Martin McGartland, a young lad from West Belfast who is recruited by the British police to spy on the IRA. His handler, the mentor/father figure Fergus (Sir Ben Kingsley), promises what protection he can as Martin works his way up the ranks as a volunteer for the IRA in order to feed information to the British. Martin lives his life in constant danger, wary of discovery which would lead to torture and death, and bringing his young bride and family into the firing line.

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