Fatal Skies

A ruthless businessman plots to dump toxic waste into the water supply of a small town.



Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Thomas E. Dugan
Written By: Thomas E. Dugan, James Eaton, William Zipp 
Released: 1990
Runtime: 88 minutes


Timothy Leary as Buddy
Tim Burke as Col. Jack
J Michael Esposito as Duane
Veronica Carothers as Toni
Geoff Meed as Wade


60’s guru Timothy Leary masterminds a diabolical plot to dump toxic waste into the water supply of a small town. His scheme is jeopardised when an innocent group of sky-diving teenagers accidentally land inside the walls of his industrial centre. The action builds to an exciting climax when the students save the town by drowning Leary in a large vat of acid.

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