Triple Echo

Deserting soldier dresses as a woman to escape detection; liking the female role he goes to a dance with another soldier and is exposed.



Genre: Drama, War
Rating: X
Directed By: Michael Apted
Written By: Robin Chapman (screenplay), H. E. Bates
Released: 1972
Runtime: 94 minutes


Glenda Jackson as Alice
Oliver Reed as Sergeant
Brian Deacon as Barton
Anthony May as Subaltern
Gavin Richards as Stan
Jenny Lee-Wright as Christine


In England during WWII, Alice, a woman running a farm in the countryside, discovers a man named Barton roaming the fields. He helps around the farm and the two become friends, then lovers.

Barton decides to desert the army. Alice offers him refuge in exchange for help running the farm in the absence of her husband, who has been taken prisoner by the Japanese. Barton puts Alice’s ailing dog out of its misery by shooting it with her husband’s shotgun. When army MPs begin to search for Barton he must take measures to avoid being caught, so Alice helps him form the disguise of a woman, Jill, her “sister.” A Sergeant soon begins to take a liking to Jill.

As Christmas approaches, the Sergeant returns to invite Alice and Jill to a Christmas party. Alice declines, but Barton, wanting to get out and have some fun, accepts the offer. Alice disapproves.

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