Killer Workout

Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon.



Genre: Horror
Rating: 18
Directed By: David A. Prior
Written By: David A. Prior
Released: 1987
Runtime: 85 minutes


Marcia Karr as Rhonda Johnson
David James Campbell as Det. Lt. Morgan
Fritz Matthews as Jimmy Hallik
Ted Prior as Chuck Dawson
Teresa van der Woude as Jaimy


Beautiful young women with gorgeous figures. Handsome, muscle-bound young men. Aerobics classes, weight rooms, tanning booths, saunas, locker rooms and a juice bar. All the things one might expect to find in any modern, Southern Californian health spa. This one in particular, however is slightly different in nature.

It’s members are not only exercising for a better life……they are dying!

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