A Private Function

In post-war Britain, food rationing continues, leading a married couple to become involved in the flourishing bacon black market.



Genre: Comedy
Rating: 15
Directed By: Malcolm Mowbray
Written By: Alan Bennett, Malcolm Mowbray
Released: 1984
Runtime: 92 minutes


Michael Palin as Gilbert Chilvers
Maggie Smith as Joyce Chilvers
Denholm Elliot as Dr Charles Swaby
Richard Griffiths as Henry Allardyce the Accountant
Tony Haygarth as Leonard Sutcliff the Farmer


In the summer of 1947, Britain prepares to commemorate the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.

To get around food-rationing laws, Dr. Charles Swaby (Denholm Elliott), accountant Henry Allardyce (Richard Griffiths) and solicitor Frank Lockwood (John Normington) are fattening a black-market pig for the big day.

Egged on by his wife (Maggie Smith), meek Gilbert Chilvers (Michael Palin) steals the swine, but the couple must conceal it from inspector Morris Wormold (Bill Paterson).

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